Kyle Horne to appear as supporting lead in reboot of famous 1960s show...
Nothing has been announced yet, but this article has a lot of theories as to what Kyle might be up to. Take a look here!
Nothing has been announced yet, but this article has a lot of theories as to what Kyle might be up to. Take a look here!
Class Schedule
Monday** 6:30-10:30
Wednesday 3:00-6:30
Thursday 3:00-7:00
Saturday 12:00-4:00
Sunday 2:00-5:00
(Young Adult Class)
**Master class by invitation only
Taking classes is a learning experience. It is not an audition, or, employment opportunity. Workshops/Classes are NOT job interviews. The presence of any industry professional is in no way a promise of employmnet. This class, its instructors, and LPN Studios, INC. does NOT attempt to procure employment for actors/artists - we are strictly for educational purposes
Mailing Address ONLY: Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios
7035 Laurel Canyon Blvd #16241 - North Hollywood, CA 91605
© 2023 Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios