LPN Elite take cold reading and improv skills to the next level.
The Lauren Patrice Nadler Acting Studio was asked back on again to the International Family Film Festival. The IFFF holds a panel where a...

The MaD JaCKRaTS head to the prestigious Hollywood Fringe Festival! FIVE shows!!
Visit the lovable, talented, hilarious, beautiful, amazing people that are the MaD JaCKRaTS! Come see them in FIVE shows at the Hollywood...

JOSH WISE books Tony-award winning musical RAGTIME
Congrats to long time Alumni JOSH WISE for for booking the Tony-award winning musical RAGTIME!!!!

Congrats to Ray Paolantonio for booking "A Maidens Prayer"
Congratulations to Ray Paolantonio on seeeking out and leanding your ream role in A MAIDENS PRAYER at the Atwater Village Theater....

Congratulations to KIM HAMILTON for being cast in THE BOOMERANG EFFECT!
Congratulations to Kim Hamilton for being cast in "The Boomerang Effect" that will be running at The Odessey Theatre! She is also the...