LPN Short Film Accepted into Festival!
Here is the official poster for the 2017 Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival Online! Lauren's film "The Dead Diaries" made it on the...

Film Festival Selection!
We are so excited to announce that Lauren's latest short, The Dead Diaries: Initiation, is an official selection at the California...

The MaD JaCKRaTS head to the prestigious Hollywood Fringe Festival! FIVE shows!!
Visit the lovable, talented, hilarious, beautiful, amazing people that are the MaD JaCKRaTS! Come see them in FIVE shows at the Hollywood...

Micky joins the drama of MISTRESSES!!!!
Hard work pays off! Congrats to Micky Shiloah for booking a recurring role on Mistresses! Learn more by reading the Deadline article, here.

We are BEYOND thrilled for Micky booking a role on the Criminal Minds Spinoff!
Check out Micky's Other work on : IMDB

Congrats to MICKY SHILOAH for booking in indie film!
Congrats to Mickey Shiloah for your lead role in the indie feature THE PARTY IS OVER! "I look forward to each class and Lauren's coaching...